Aurega 1 Closed

Aurega 1 Closed

The Aurega 1 Closed is a one-piece universal size closed bag with a maximum cutting size of 60 mm available. The bag is equiped with a longitudinal active carbon filter which prevents the bag from balooning. Soft fabric ensures the bag is skin-friendly and gentle in contact with body. Due to unique manufacturing technology, the flange is extremely elastic and adapts to all individual skin irregularities, ensuring it remains on the body for many days. The bag is intended to be used with different types of stoma depending on the place of its emergence: small intestine (ileostomy or jejunostomy), large intestine (colostomy) or esophagus (salivary gland fistula).

Viewing window

All Aurega bags made of a double-sided non-woven material have a viewing window located on the outer side of the bag. The window allows easy monitoring of the stoma as well as the amount and state of the intestinal content. The viewing window in the Aurega bags is also helpful when attaching the bag, making it easier to precisely match the hole in the flange to the stoma on the body.

Thin and elastic flange

Due to the special manufacturing technology the thickness of adhesive in Aurega flanges does not exceed 0.75 mm. Such a small thinness offers extremely high elasticity and allows for better adaptation to the uneven surface of the skin. An accurate filling of microscopic skin folds makes the Aurega ostomy bags remain attached to the body for many days and counteract the intestinal contents leakage by blocking any possible leakage path.

The thinness of the flange allows it to naturally adjust to individual body shapes including hernias, scars and other skin irregularities. The flange’s elastic properties let it stretch and return to its original shape, following the natural movements of the body.

The skin around the stoma should receive special protection and care. For this reason, we only use skin-friendly and gentle hydrocolloids for the production of our flanges. The hydrocolloids contained in Aurega products have a soothing effect on the skin, providing optimal healing conditions in case of skin irritation.

The flange is characterised by high absorption of liquid substances, minimising the risk of maceration of the skin around the stoma. The hydrophobic properties of hydrocolloids guarantee proper maintenance of the adhesive properties – hydrocolloids contained in the outer layer of the flange form a protective barrier against water and other liquid substances, while the inner layer absorbs excess unnecessary moisture present on the skin.

Outer non-woven backing

In the production of Aurega bags we use only specially selected soft and light non-woven fabrics which are skin-friendly and does not cause strong friction with the clothing. The beige material colour has been chosen to ensure the optimal level of discretion by matching the natural skin colour of the user. In the case of beige bags with a viewing window, the double non-woven layer reduces the rustling of the film.

The fabrics used for Aurega bags production are waterproof and offers high breathability, which prevents the formation of sweat on the skin at the place where the bag comes into contact with the body. The hydrophobic properties of the non-woven material allow the bag to dry quickly after swimming or taking a shower.


Aurega 1 Closed ostomy bags are equipped with an active carbon filter, used to vent gases accumulating inside the bag. As the gas is released, it is deprived of unpleasant odour, which is retained by the active carbon present in the filter.

The longitudinal design of the filter in Aurega 1 Closed ostomy bags translates into an extended odour neutralisation area, allowing for precise filtration of the gases passing through it. Thanks to the high efficiency of the air flow, the filter prevents the bag from ballooning.

Aurega bags are equipped with internal protective layers in the upper part of the bag that effectively protect the filter against leakage.